Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Step 1: Mirror Mirror

Okay, here we go. Step 1 is very simple.

Take off all your clothes and step in front of the mirror. It's preferable that you do this in the privacy of your own home. And all the lights need to be on. No soft lighting allowed. You want to see yourself very clearly.

Take a good, long look at your body. Turn to the side, look at your profile. Take a few minutes to look at every part of your body.

Is this part hard for you? It was for me. It was me in all my glory. No hiding behind loose fitting clothes with those slimming vertical stripe patterns. Just me and the soft breeze of the air conditioning cooling my bits.

Step 1 is understanding that everything you've done diet and health-wise has led you to have the body you see before you in the mirror. Every diet you've tried and the one you may currently be on have led to the body you currently have and see before you.

Now ask yourself...."Am I happy with what I see? Has what I've done up to this very moment resulted in a body that I like having and seeing in the mirror?"

The answers for me were a resounding NO. I hated how I looked. Hated how I felt. Hated that I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without getting red in the face and out of breath. Hated that I felt trapped in a body that was a prison. I longed to be physically active, to do fun outdoor activities, to be able to look down in the shower and actually be able to see my junk and not have a fat belly hiding it, to have energy and not be tired all the frickin' time, to just FEEL GOOD.

So if the answers to those questions for you are also "NO!"....then you're ready to move to Step 2.

Monday, September 14, 2009

From 3 months

Since June 5th, 2009, when I was at 260 lbs, I have lost 6 pants sizes because of a complete overhaul of my eating habits. No crazy diets, expensive shakes or supplements, and no exercising for hours a day until I drop.

This blog will explore how I discovered an incredible way to get your health and life back on track. It's easy and it works. I have more energy and feel better than I have in 20 years!